[mapguide-users] Create PDF with map image

stoff mail at effing.org
Mon Sep 7 21:08:25 EDT 2009


I would like to create a PDF from my HTML-Printlayout with iTextSharp...

This is my approach on Postback:
Dim imgMap As iTextSharp.text.Image =
iTextSharp.text.Image.GetInstance("http://localhost" & hfMapSrc.Value) 

where hfMapSrc.Value was allready written in the hfMapSrc on clientside

if (ValidateMapResponse(requester.responseXML.documentElement))" & vbCrLf
            strJS = strJS & "      {var strSrc=webAgent + " & Chr(34) &
Chr(34) & " + encodeURIComponent(mapName) + " & Chr(34) & "&SESSION=" &
Chr(34) & " + sessionId + " & Chr(34) & "&CLIENTAGENT=" & Chr(34) & " +
encodeURIComponent(clientAgent); " & vbCrLf
            strJS = strJS & "       document.getElementById(" & Chr(34) &
"mapImage" & Chr(34) & ").src = strSrc;debugger;" & vbCrLf
            strJS = strJS & "       document.getElementById('" &
hfMapSrc.ClientID & "').setAttribute('value',strSrc);" & vbCrLf
            strJS = strJS & "   }" & vbCrLf

the hfMapSrc.value is available as:

and Session is still open of course ...

Or Do I really have to move byte by byte ...like done in the scribble
example? Is there a more comfortable solution (with use of itextSharp)?

Best regards, Stoff

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