[mapguide-users] Uploading the raster image

Jason Birch jason at jasonbirch.com
Thu Feb 25 21:47:21 EST 2010

Try reprocessing your tiff as a geotiff (look at my blog post "FWTools
FTW" for instructions); I've had limited success with world files
without projection, though I haven't seen the same error as you're

On 2010-02-25, Shamshad Alam <shamshad at gisconsortium.net> wrote:
> we are tyying to open a tiff image in mgos 2.1, using mapguide maestro r4208
> & osgeo.gdal3.4 unfortunately after veryfying the coordinate system we are
> getting the following error.
> The remote server returned an error: (559) MgFdoException.: An exception
> occurred in FDO component.Failed to de-serialize the schema mappings from
> the configuration.
> after going through some posts online we found out that the .tfw file should
> also be there in the same location as the .tifunfortunately we are still
> unable to load a raster image...
> Any suggestions..
> I'd tried googling but couldn't get a concreet solution..
> please HELP!!
> Thanks & Regards       Mohd. Shamshad Alam

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