[mapguide-users] passing parameter from url

Christoph Lauber christoph.lauber at geoplanteam.ch
Tue Mar 16 05:35:51 EDT 2010

Hello list
I'm looking for a way to start my mapguide application by a
parameterized URL. What I need are a bounding box or a center coordinate
with scale and the map and layer to be activated.
An URL would look like these for example:
Ortsplan> Bbox=585967,219915,596405,224915&Layers=Ortsplan
Does there exist anything like that for mapguide2010? I know there was
on mapguide6.5...
Thanks for any help

GeoplanTeam Hutzli + Kluser
Vermessung | Geoinformatik | Umwelttechnik
Egliweg 6, CH - 2560 Nidau

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