[mapguide-users] Coordinate systems Issue

LGS trobar at gissolutions.ca
Mon Sep 6 21:17:10 EDT 2010

I just updated our server to MG 2.1. I started a new project, when I created
my initial map and layout design, I do not get any of the layers to display
in my basic layout. I have checked the source  shp files and projections are
matching what I have in the map definition. All my other projects are
displaying correctly, just not the new project.


In Maestro validate resource function I get the following remarks for each
of my layers.


"Warning - OSGeo.MapGuide.MaestroAPI.FeatureSource:
Library://SANS/Data/intersections.FeatureSource has a different coordinate
system than the map, this will impact performance as the coordinates are
transformed while rendering the map. Maestro cannot validate the extent of
the data."


Any Direction?


Trevor Robar

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