[mapguide-users] GetClassDefinition of MgLayerBase Error

Markus Roth m.roth at gds-team.de
Wed Aug 3 10:39:21 EDT 2011

Hi all,

I want to display all PropertyNames of one layer on a new website without displaying the Map. The problem is to read the classDefinition of one  layer. The SiteConnection works fine and I can read all the LayerNames of the Map. But when I try to get the ClassDefinition of the layers (Dim MyMGClassDef = MyMGLayerCollection.Item(iL).GetClassDefinition()) it always get an error in Source “OSGeo.MapGuide.MapGuideCommon”  ->  MgNullReferenceException”
How can I solve this problem?

Here is my code:

Dim MyMGUserInfo As New MgUserInformation()
Dim MyMGSiteConnection As New MgSiteConnection()
Dim RS As MgResourceService = MyMGSiteConnection.CreateService(MgServiceType.ResourceService)
Dim RI As MgResourceIdentifier = New MgResourceIdentifier("StringWeblayout...")
Dim MyMGWebLayout As MgWebLayout = New MgWebLayout(RS, RI)
Dim MyMapNameStr As String = "MapName..." 
Dim RSm As MgResourceService = MyMGSiteConnection.CreateService(MgServiceType.ResourceService)
Dim RIm As MgResourceIdentifier = New MgResourceIdentifier(MyMGWebLayout.GetMapDefinition)
Dim MyMGMap As New MgMap()
MyMGMap.Create(RSm, RIm, MyMapNameStr)
Dim MyMGLayerCollection = MyMGMap.GetLayers
   For iL As Integer = 0 To MyMGLayerCollection.Count - 1
      Dim LName As String = MyMGLayerCollection.Item(iL).GetLayerDefinition.GetName
      If LName = "LayerName..." Then
         Dim MyMGClassDef = MyMGLayerCollection.Item(iL).GetClassDefinition()
         For i As Integer = 0 To MyMGClassDef.GetProperties.Count – 1

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