[mapguide-users] Mapguide Alias

Ivan Miličević Ivan.Milicevic at supranet.hr
Fri Jan 28 07:33:54 EST 2011


I need to add new alias. Name "1", "2", "3" is succesfully added but I can't add "0" as a name. Is there any specific reason for that?

Thank you.

Ivan Miličević
voditelj Odjela razvoja

SUPRA NET d.o.o.
Majstorska 5, 10000 Zagreb

Mobile: +385 (0)91 434-3940
Office: +385 (0)1 434-3940
Fax: +385 (0)1 434-3999
Email: ivan.milicevic at supranet.hr<mailto:ivan.milicevic at supranet.hr>
URL: www.supranet.hr<http://www.supranet.hr/>

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