[mapguide-users] MapGuide 2.4 on Windows 7 iis 7.5 .net 4.5 error 503 unavailable

Rémy GOURRAT rgourrat at ag-carto.fr
Wed Mar 20 08:06:35 PDT 2013

Every time i tried to run PHP from MapGuide or mapagent i had error 503 service unavailable.

After long hours of research I get a workaround.

Windows event viewer for application said : can't open session because the profil can't be loaded

and system event viewer said 'MapGuide24AppPool' is stopped because many fail or something like this...

To work around I go on advanced parameter of the 'MapGuide24AppPool' and I set 'LocalConnect' to the identity parameter

I'm not sure that's good for security but for a dev environment it's working...

Someone can tell me something more ? is it the same thing on 2008 or above

Good luck

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