[mapguide-users] vector overlay

Domingos Creado domingos.creado at gmail.com
Fri Sep 6 01:36:22 PDT 2013

Hi Folks,

I'm working in a project that I have to overlay a thematic map (ad hoc 
layer created by user) over a map.
The current solution create a layer in session map and upload the data, 
but the performance is so poor that we are trying a different approach: 
overlay a vector layer it in client side.

I've tried the approach of adding a OpenLayers.Layer.Vector (with KML 
format) on oMapOL, but it seams that it is not quite that simple.
How can I overlay a kml layer (or other vector format) over a map?

A more detailed description of what I've tried, it was something like:

             var map = Fusion.getWidgetById('Map').oMapOL;
             map.addLayer(new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector(nomeLayer, {
                     protocol: new OpenLayers.Protocol.HTTP({
                         url: arquivo,
                         format: new OpenLayers.Format.KML({
                             extractStyles: true,
                             extractAttributes: true
                     strategies: [new OpenLayers.Strategy.Fixed()]

To get it running, I've included fusion/lib/OpenLayers/OpenLayers.js and 
included the KML format class on it.
But now I've got some errors that in Openlayers http request.

Thanks in advance

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