[mapguide-users] EPSG:3763 missing in Mapguide Open Source

Ricardo Pinho ricardodepinho at gmail.com
Sun Jan 25 07:31:24 PST 2015

Thank you Jackie for the advice, I will try to get some help there.

I've checked before, but not even the last version of CSMAP (14.02)
includes EPSG:3763:
(just found "epsg: 3760")

On the other hand (on the same server, just a few folders aside) proj4 has
it for a long time:
http://svn.osgeo.org/metacrs/proj/branches/4.9/proj/nad/epsg (just look for

*# ETRS89 / Portugal TM06<3763> +proj=tmerc +lat_0=39.66825833333333
+lon_0=-8.133108333333334 +k=1 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=GRS80 +units=m +no_defs
I've been using "proj4" for a long time now, on several GIS free software
projects, and I'm very happy about it.
If Autodesk insists on using CSMAP, that's their problem, not mine.

My problem is: I was trying to use Mapguide Open Source on a real geoportal
And I need to use the National Official Reference System, associated with
EPSG code 3763.

I really appreciate if anyone knows a way to manually include that
definition to be used on MG OS!

Thank you,
Ricardo Pinho

2015-01-25 7:10 GMT+00:00 Jackie Ng <jumpinjackie at gmail.com>:

> You're best to ask the CS-Map people on the MetaCRS mailing list on this
> matter.
> - Jackie
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