[mapguide-users] Fwd: Consultation mapguide to be send
Julián Felipe
julianferes at gmail.com
Mon Jul 13 10:27:57 PDT 2015
Hello Mapguides List,
I am developing an aplication about vehicle tracking and i have beed
reading the MgOpenSourceDevGuide.pdf.
I need to draw the car image about location on the map but i don´t
understand how to do it.
Coul you help me with this please.
My code is the follow:
<body onLoad="OnPageLoad()">
function add_layer_definition_to_map($layerDefinition, $layerName,
$layerLegendLabel, $sessionId, $resourceService, $map)
// Adds the layer definition (XML) to the map.
// Returns the layer.
echo "Iniciando metodo add_layer_definition_to_map...";
global $schemaDirectory;
// Validate the XML.
$domDocument = new DOMDocument;
// Save the new layer definition to the session repository
$byteSource = new MgByteSource($layerDefinition,
echo "<br/> echo 111 <br/>";
echo "<br/> echo 2222 <br/>";
echo "session: ".$sessionId;
$resourceID = new
echo "<br/> echo 3333 <br/>";
$resourceService->SetResource($resourceID, $byteSource->GetReader(),
echo "<br/> echo 4444 <br/>";
$newLayer = add_layer_resource_to_map($resourceID, $resourceService,
$layerName, $layerLegendLabel, $map);
echo "<br/> echo 5555 <br/>";
return $newLayer;
function add_layer_resource_to_map($layerResourceID, $resourceService,
$layerName, $layerLegendLabel, $map)
// Adds a layer defition (which can be stored either in the Library or a
// repository) to the map.
// Returns the layer.
$newLayer = new MgLayer($layerResourceID, $resourceService);
// Add the new layer to the map's layer collection
$layerCollection = $map->GetLayers();
if (! $layerCollection->Contains($layerName) )
// Insert the new layer at position 0 so it is at the top
// of the drawing order
$layerCollection->Insert(0, $newLayer);
return $newLayer;
define('__ROOT__', dirname(dirname(__FILE__)));
echo "ferez".__ROOT__.'/../findaddress/layerdefinitionfactory.php';
// Get the session information passed from the viewer.
$args = ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "POST")? $_POST : $_GET;
$mgSessionId = $args['SESSION'];
$mgMapName = $args['MAPNAME'];
// Initialize the web extensions,
MgInitializeWebTier ($webconfigFilePath);
// Get the user information using the session id,
// and set up a connection to the site server.
$userInfo = new MgUserInformation($mgSessionId);
$siteConnection = new MgSiteConnection();
echo "Instanciamos Feature service <br/><br/>";
$featureService =
echo "Instanciamos Resource service <br/><br/>";
$resourceService =
echo "Instanciamos ResourceIdentifier <br/><br/>";
$bufferFeatureResId = new MgResourceIdentifier("Session:" . $mgSessionId .
$map = new MgMap($siteConnection);
$map->Open($resourceService, $mgMapName);
// Set up some objects for coordinate conversion
$mapWktSrs = $map->GetMapSRS();
$agfReaderWriter = new MgAgfReaderWriter();
$wktReaderWriter = new MgWktReaderWriter();
echo "Creando FeatureSource <br/><br/>";
echo "<br/> echo 1 <br/>";
// Create a temporary feature source
$bufferClass = new MgClassDefinition();
$className = 'BufferClass';
$properties = $bufferClass->GetProperties();
$idProperty = new MgDataPropertyDefinition('ID');
$polygonProperty = new MgGeometricPropertyDefinition('BufferGeometry');
$idProperties = $bufferClass->GetIdentityProperties();
$bufferSchema = new MgFeatureSchema('BufferLayerSchema', 'temporary schema
to hold a buffer');
$sdfParams = new MgCreateSdfParams('defaultSrs', $mapWktSrs, $bufferSchema);
$featureService->CreateFeatureSource($bufferFeatureResId, $sdfParams);
echo "<br/> echo 2 <br/>";
//--------------------Creamos Layer
// ...
echo "<br/> echo 3 <br/>";
$factory = new LayerDefinitionFactory();
echo "<br/> echo 4 <br/>";
// Create a mark symbol
$resourceId =
$symbolName = 'PushPin';
$width = '100'; // points
$height = '100'; // points
$color = 'FFFF0000';
$markSymbol = $factory->CreateMarkSymbol($resourceId, $symbolName, $width,
$height, $color);
// Create a text symbol
$text = "ID";
$foregroundColor = 'FF000000';
$textSymbol = $factory->CreateTextSymbol($text, $fontHeight,
// Create a point rule.
$legendLabel = 'trees';
$filter = '';
$pointRule = $factory->CreatePointRule($legendLabel, $filter, $textSymbol,
// Create a point type style.
$pointTypeStyle = $factory->CreatepointTypeStyle($pointRule);
// Create a scale range.
$minScale = '0';
$maxScale = '1000000000000';
$pointScaleRange = $factory->CreateScaleRange($minScale, $maxScale,
// Create the layer definiton.
$featureClass = 'Library://Tests/Trees.FeatureSource';
$featureName = 'Default:Trees';
$geometry = 'SHPGEOM';
$layerDefinition = $factory->CreateLayerDefinition($bufferFeatureResId,
$featureName, $geometry, $pointScaleRange);
$layerName = "capaferez";
$layerLegendLabel = "capaferez";
$nuevaLayer = add_layer_definition_to_map($layerDefinition, $layerName,
$layerLegendLabel, $mgSessionId, $resourceService, $map);
echo "<br/> inicio insercion feature actualizando fea 1<br/>";
$commands = new MgFeatureCommandCollection();
$properties = new MgPropertyCollection();
echo "lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll";
// create a coordinate
$geometryFactory = new MgGeometryFactory();
$coordinate = $geometryFactory->CreateCoordinateXY(-87.755686,43.719265);
echo "oooooooooooooooooooooooo";
// create a point
$point = $geometryFactory->CreatePoint($coordinate);
echo "Creando MgPoint ...";
$pointAgfText = $wktReaderWriter->Write($point);
echo "AGF Text representation of Point: $pointAgfText\n";
echo " agfByteStream ...";
$agfByteStream = $agfReaderWriter->Write($point);
echo " punto creado ...";
$geometryProperty = new MgGeometryProperty('BufferGeometry',
$insertCommand = new MgInsertFeatures($className, $properties);
echo "kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk";
$featureService->UpdateFeatures($bufferFeatureResId, $commands, false);
echo "fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff";
echo "<br/> fin insercion feature actualizando fea 1<br/>";
//If you created a MgMap with a MgSiteConnection
echo "Fin creacion feature source <br/><br/>";
echo "<br/><br/>Finaliza<br/>";
}catch (MgException $e){
echo $e->GetStackTrace() . "<br />";
}catch (Exception $ex) {
echo 'Excepción capturada: ', $e->getMessage(), "\n";
<script language="javascript">
function OnPageLoad()
Ing. Julian Felipe Feres Santander
Ingeniero De Software
Ing. Julian Felipe Feres Santander
Ingeniero De Software
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