[mapguide-users] FDO Postgis provider and materialized views

Gabriele Monfardini monfardini at ldpgis.it
Thu Jun 30 10:23:58 PDT 2016

Hi all,

we're using FDO Postgis provider in Mapguide open source.
In particular FDO 3.8.
It seems that materialized views are not (yet) supported.

We can workaround the problem creating a regular view that selects all data
from the materialized views but then FDO is unable to find a primary key
and in general to retrieve information about constraints.

Unfortunately AFAIK materialized views are not exposed through
information_schema since they are not exactly part of SQL standard.

They may be found selecting data from pg_class where relkind='m'.
This obviously is postgresql specific.

Is there any plan to support materialized views in PostGIS FDO?

Best regards,

Gabriele Monfardini

Gabriele Monfardini
LdP Progetti GIS
tel: 0577.531049
email: monfardini at ldpgis.it
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