[mapguide-users] Moving to MGOS from AIMS

Hans Milling hm at geograf.dk
Tue Jan 9 02:42:16 PST 2018

We moved from AIMS to MGOS about 5 years ago. Autodesk told us, to be able to
sell AIMS we had to start selling all of Autodesks products. That is when we
decided to go Open Source. Support from Autodesk was crap and just to obtain
a license took 1-2 weeks. New support personal all the time and couldn't
understand that MapGuide was server software and not a windows program with
a help->license menu. We have never regretted moving to MGOS instead.
We are using the GDAL provider for ECW at our clients (requires license).
But it works perfectly, no problems. Also someone mentioned in this thread,
concerns about Oracle support. We have a few clients that uses oracle
databases. The Oracle provider that comes with MGOS works great, we have not
encountered any problems.
As for DWG support, none of our clients had problems, the few that uses
Autodesk products just save in a different format than AutoCAD DWG when
creating new files for the MapGuide server. Not a big deal for them. Would
be nice though to have the provider available in MGOS, but it is not a
"must" for us.

Best regards
  Hans Milling...

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