[mapguide-users] Mapguide 3.1.2 Hangs

Benoit Begin bbegin at geomapgis.ca
Tue Feb 25 12:09:53 PST 2020

Might be worth looking into making sure you actually call Dispose on the
MgService you create. Also depending on what else you're doing, I'm guessing
you might have some MgByteReader and the likes that might not get closed and

Mapguide also isn't "hung" when the pink map shows up, typically Something
goes wrong with the application pool in IIS and it stops properly
communicating with the Mapguide service. Typically a restart of the app pool
brings everything back fine. Which leads me to think the issue might be with
proper memory management.

As far as I am aware/remember, Mapguide's API in .NET isn't really pure .NET
and is actually a SWIG wrapper over the C++ COM API. So some of the classes
are VERY SENSITIVE about getting properly disposed and closed in your code.
Your code could be making your application pool run out of assignable object
references from the C++ API.

So all in all, try not to declare any "Mg" classes you don't intend to use
and make sure that when you do, you dispose them. The most important ones
are any of the Mg*Reader classes, for reading features, resources, etc.
Likewise for MgService classes.



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