[mapguide-users] FDO Error

Jackie Ng jumpinjackie at gmail.com
Mon Aug 16 07:37:18 PDT 2021

[This was originally posted to mapguide-internals by mistake. Re-posting to
correct mailing list]

Sadly, MapGuide will not be divulging any additional context to help you

All we have to go with is this warning is logged most of the time when
parsing a FDO expression during layer stylization.

What you can do is look at the timestamp of that error log entry and
cross-reference it against logged operations in Access.log around that same
time to see what operation could be triggering the error. It will most
likely be some operation that will be doing some form of stylization like
RenderMap, RenderDynamicOverlay or QueryMapFeatures.

>From there you should be able to isolate down to the offending map
definition and from there drill down to the layer containing the FDO
expression that is causing the problem.

Hope that helps.

- Jackie

You wrote:


 I got a persistent error logging at Error.log. How can I track the problem ?

Mapguide 3.1.2 on a windows 2019 server.

<2021-08-14T15:24:56>             6048     Fusion Viewer


Warning: An exception occurred in FDO component.

        Int32Value is null.


  - MgStylizationUtil.ExceptionTrap() line 166 file GeometryAdapter.cpp



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