[mapguide-users] White tiles at z = 0

Gunter Becker gunter.becker at csoinfo.de
Tue Apr 4 23:03:36 PDT 2023

That are great news Jackie. I always appreciate your good work.
Will test the beta when it's out.


Von: mapguide-users <mapguide-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org> Im Auftrag von Jackie Ng
Gesendet: Dienstag, 4. April 2023 18:59
An: mapguide-users at lists.osgeo.org
Betreff: Re: [mapguide-users] White tiles at z = 0

Ok, this issue has been fixed. The fix will be in Beta 1, whose binaries I am building right now and will be uploaded before the end of the week, barring any further show-stoppers found in final testing.

- Jackie

You wrote:

Hi Jackie,

so, I have to correct myself. The tiles aren’t white but transparent.

Here is an example of a request at z=0:


and a request with z=1:


Or you can see it here in our OpenLayers-Viewer:


Just zoom in to 1:100 (z=0).

I have filed an additional MapGuide Package to the ticket that includes vector data (SDF) and MapDefinitions with inline tiles.

All MapDefinitions produce incorrect tiles at z=0. I double checked this on MapGuide Server 3.1.2.

Thanks, Gunter

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