[mapguide-users] MapGuide 4.0 Beta 1

Dan Nilsson Dan.Nilsson at tyrens.se
Fri Apr 7 02:27:53 PDT 2023


Test with MapGuide OpenSource 4.0 Beta 1 on my virtual machine (Windows 11 x64).

Configured with IIS and using .Net.

I have noticed that layergroup with layers that are not visible in the legend not work the same in Fusion viewer (ApplicationDefinition) as in MapGuide

If I have a layergroup with 21 layers that are visible, but not visible in the legend, the layergroup not show up in Fusion viewer. It shows for a little while, then it disappear.

If I change so the layer is visible in legend then the layergroup show in the legend, and not disappering.

Med vänlig hälsning

Dan Nilsson

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