[mapguide-users] fusion theme -No access control allow origin error

Hadis Alinia hadissaalinia at gmail.com
Mon Jun 5 11:38:40 PDT 2023

I am using MG version 3.1.2 on IIS. On the fusion, when I use the Theme
widget I get the themed layers and it's added to the legend but the base
map of Openstreet doesn't load and the cursor spins forever. By Looking at
the errors in the console I see the 100 errors of "access to the image at
https://c.tile.openstreetmap.org/5.379310131539869/13/13.png from the
origin my website address has been blocked by CORS policy: No
'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource"
and the same error for https://b.tile and a.tile.

Just letting you know I tried adding and removing basemaps even Generic
XYZs still get the same results and error.

Removing the openstreet map and with Generic XYZ for google street I get
the error as follows:

        GET https://mt1.google.com/vt/lyrs=s&x=262143&y=262143&z=19 404
Image (async)
setImgSrc @ fusionSF.js:72880
initImage @ fusionSF.js:72856
renderTile @ fusionSF.js:72725
draw @ fusionSF.js:72698
initGriddedTiles @ fusionSF.js:81293
moveTo @ fusionSF.js:80764
redraw @ fusionSF.js:56355
redraw @ fusionSF.js:80161
setVisibility @ fusionSF.js:56531
setBaseLayer @ fusionSF.js:54205
removeLayer @ fusionSF.js:54084
layerLoaded @ fusionSF.js:111583
(anonymous) @ fusionSF.js:46681
triggerEvent @ fusionSF.js:108396
onRuntimeMapCreated @ fusionSF.js:131138
(anonymous) @ fusionSF.js:46681
respondToReadyState @ fusionSF.js:97102
onStateChange @ fusionSF.js:97005
(anonymous) @ fusionSF.js:46681
XMLHttpRequest.send (async)
request @ fusionSF.js:96987
initialize @ fusionSF.js:96931
dispatchRequest @ fusionSF.js:109871
loadMap @ fusionSF.js:130574
mapSessionCreated @ fusionSF.js:130510
initialize @ fusionSF.js:130409
loadMapGroup @ fusionSF.js:111501
initialize @ fusionSF.js:111397
create @ fusionSF.js:109118
create @ fusionSF.js:108672
setLoadState @ fusionSF.js:521
scriptLoaded @ fusionSF.js:639
(anonymous) @ fusionSF.js:46681
load (async)
queueScript @ fusionSF.js:594
require @ fusionSF.js:1156
(anonymous) @ fusionSF.js:119177

I would appreciate it if please assist me to solve this issue.
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