[mapguide-users] IronPython - automate Maestro

Jackie Ng jumpinjackie at gmail.com
Thu Jul 25 08:18:28 PDT 2024

The error in your screenshot is because you did not fully copy my suggested
fragment completely.

This line here:

    #Add the new pointStyle to the vectorScaleRange

I already said there is no point style to add (because there's only one or
no point style) so there is no AddPointStyle() function to call.

Just assign pointStyle straight to the .PointStyle property.

    #Add the new pointStyle to the vectorScaleRange
    vectorScaleRange.PointStyle = pointStyle

- Jackie

You wrote:

Hello Jackie,

I am really sorry but things elude me or (and I think that is the
case) it just doesn’t work correctly.

I load my code with ‘Run File’  and start with the defined function
test() for conveniance.
I made all the variables global just in case.

I am posting my Full test-code:

The screen-shot shows that there is a Pointstyle (console: print
statements to console).

  1.  The “IF’ doesn’t work.
  2.  I still don’t understand why there is a ‘NoneType’ error. I
assume that there is always a ‘default’ vectorScaleRange. The print
statements show there is one?
  3.  The poitnStyle itself seams to be created/defined as well. The
print statements show this as well I think.
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