[mapguide-users] MapGuide WMS Requests are Always in ESSG:4326 ?

Jackie Ng jumpinjackie at gmail.com
Thu Jun 6 04:43:34 PDT 2024

Hi Crispin,

Glad your problem got solved.

In Maestro, clicking the Advanced button on the WMS feature source
connection after testing will establish a default configuration document
for the feature source, from which it can then be tweaked.

I'm pretty certain that the WMS and GDAL providers almost always require
configuration documents to do things properly as these providers rarely do
the sensible thing in their un-configured form.

- Jackie

You wrote:


It was the configuration document that was required – I'm sure MGAuthor
used to create one for you, but it was a long time ago and I'm a bit rusty
on this!  Found the guidance PDF and added the following as a configuration
document to my .DataSource

For an ArcGIS Server I had to remove the <timestamp> from the default
schema mapping template to prevent a different server-side error being
returned but with the <SpatialContext> override my requests are all

I hope this is helpful to the next person searching for this.

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