[mapguide-dev] Reverse engineering "prototype" from PHP extension?

Jason Birch Jason.Birch at nanaimo.ca
Sat Dec 2 15:49:20 EST 2006

Yes, a generic approach would likely be best, so we could support things like the Java IDEs too, but I have no idea what that would look like.  As long as it was something that I could convert to PHP with some regex search/replace I'd be happy.  For VS, do you need to add something specific to the .dlls for Intellisense to be picked up?  Inline documentation?
Do you have any idea of what kind of effort would be required to extend the current use of IMake to support this?  MapGuide is a pretty large API for most hackers, and it would be great if we could make it easier to use.


From: Trevor Wekel
Sent: Wed 2006-11-29 9:49 AM
To: dev at mapguide.osgeo.org
Subject: RE: [mapguide-dev] Reverse engineering "prototype" from PHP extension?

Hi Jason,

The IMake utility in BuildTools/WebTools/Imake is the front end
processor for generating our exported API.  It reads the C++ headers and
generates Swig input files.  With some extra coding, it should be
possible to generate the prototype file as part of the standard build
mechanism.  Zend Studio also has "intellisense" capabilities and it also
requires some sort of input file.  It might be worthwhile to extend
IMake in a more generic fashion so that other developers can add support
for their favourite environment.


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