[mapguide-dev] How to publish a MapGuide website from MGStudio ?

Jason Birch Jason.Birch at nanaimo.ca
Wed May 17 01:31:57 EDT 2006

You'll get better response on the -users list.  -dev is just for the MapGuide software developers to coordinate their activities.  (well, it's supposed to be, anyway... don't all speak at once now - grin)
What language are you planning to use to extend the site?  With IIS, you can use either PHP or C#.  In either case, it's easiest to just copy the sample application, and change the page that you want to use (ajax, ajax tiled, or dwf) to point to your layout rather than the sheboygan one.  For the C# app, there may be some additional setup required, such as making the new directory into an application and changing the settings to match the demo site.   You'll also want to remove the files that you aren't using from the sample.
Please sign up for the -users list and post any follow-up responses there.


From: Carlos Kruger []
Sent: Tue 2006-05-16 8:07 PM
To: dev at mapguide.osgeo.org
Subject: [mapguide-dev] How to publish a MapGuide website from MGStudio ?

I have installed MapGuide OpenSource server and the webserver extensions on my system, (XP Pro and IIS)
I have uploaded the Sheboygan sample package and everything runs fine
Now I have created my own site using MapGuide Studio Preview, just added a few layers, styled them, created the map, the web layout and everything looks good insided MapGuide Studio when I preview it.
The question is how do I get to have the new project published as a website and served from my IIS ?
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