[mapguide-dev] Enhanced Join Support RFC

Haris Kurtagic haris at sl-king.com
Fri Nov 3 18:34:43 EST 2006

I suppose Join is most interesting for file based data sources ?
It looks to me that for rdbms data sources this is "natural" stuff to
In that context, I have a feeling that this could be something for FDO
level not MG.
One of advantages would be that join functionality wouldn't be just to
MG but other clients also.
Perhaps little crazy idea but I also could imagine having a "join fdo
provider" which will do the work for join for classes across providers.


From: Ronnie Louie [mailto:ronnie.louie at autodesk.com] 
Sent: Friday, November 03, 2006 11:48 PM
To: dev at mapguide.osgeo.org
Subject: [mapguide-dev] Enhanced Join Support RFC

Hi All,


A first draft of Enhanced Join Support RFC for MGOS is posted at


Please have a look and post your feedback to this group.



Ronnie Louie




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