[mapguide-dev] Session Affinity RFC

Tom Fukushima tom.fukushima at autodesk.com
Fri Nov 17 15:31:51 EST 2006

Hi Chris,
I was reading over this with the intent of motioning it for approval,
but thought of the following.
The RFC says that the list of available site servers will be listed in
the web tier config file so that the web tier can do some rudimentary
load balancing.  But since the load balancer is already doing this, I
don't think that it is necessary for the web tier to do it again.  With
this in mind, I think that we can simplify things a little more:
1) Each Web Tier only knows about 1 site server (as it is today) and if
a request that doesn't have a session (e.g., request to create a
session) comes to it, the request goes to the web tier's site server
(like it does today).
2) If a request with a session comes in, the Web Tier uses the IP
embedded in the session ID to route the request.  Note that the IP does
not have to be registered in the config file of that web tier.
3) In order to bring up the server admin pages, we only support going
directly to a particular web tier.  We do not support going through the
load balancer.
4) In order to author using Studio or Web Studio, we only support going
directly to a particular web tier.  We do not support going through the
load balancer.
Points 3 and 4 above are to make things easier in case it might be tough
to do them. (I don't see Studio mentioned in the RFC.)


From: Chris Claydon 
Sent: Wednesday, November 01, 2006 3:47 PM
To: dev at mapguide.osgeo.org
Subject: [mapguide-dev] Session Affinity RFC

I have just posted a draft of the RFC for "Session Affinity" in MGOS to
the following location:




Please take a look, and post any feedback to this group.


Thank you,


Chris Claydon.

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