[Mapguide_dev] svn commit: r1033 - Miscellaneous code cleanups and fixes.

Steve Dang steve.dang at autodesk.com
Fri Jan 5 15:48:49 EST 2007

Revision: 1033

Author: stevedang

Date: 2:34:30 PM, Friday, January 05, 2007


MG456 (Miscellaneous code cleanups and fixes)

- Added a new error message to clarify the reason why the server fails
to open the repository.

- Cleaned up/sorted string resource IDs.

- Synchronized the server/web tier resource files.


Modified : /trunk/MgDev/Server/src/Resources/server_en.res

Modified : /trunk/MgDev/Server/src/Services/Resource/Repository.cpp

Modified : /trunk/MgDev/Web/src/mapagent/Resources/web_en.res


Index: C:/Projects/MgDev/OS/Server/src/Services/Resource/Repository.cpp


--- C:/Projects/MgDev/OS/Server/src/Services/Resource/Repository.cpp
(revision 1032)

+++ C:/Projects/MgDev/OS/Server/src/Services/Resource/Repository.cpp
(revision 1033)

@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@


         throw new MgRepositoryOpenFailedException(


-            __LINE__, __WFILE__, &arguments, L"", NULL);

+            __LINE__, __WFILE__, &arguments,
L"MgRepositoryAlreadyOpened", NULL);




Index: C:/Projects/MgDev/OS/Server/src/Resources/server_en.res


--- C:/Projects/MgDev/OS/Server/src/Resources/server_en.res
(revision 1032)

+++ C:/Projects/MgDev/OS/Server/src/Resources/server_en.res    (revision

@@ -154,6 +154,7 @@



 MgArgumentsMismatch                                   = The arguments
needed do not match the arguments provided.

+MgClassWOIdentity                                     = A class
definition has no identity property.

 MgCollectionEmpty                                     = The collection
cannot be empty. 

 MgConfigurationPropertyLengthIsInvalid                = The value of
property %1 under section %2 is %3. Its length must be %4

 MgConfigurationPropertyLengthIsOutOfRange             = The value of
property %1 under section %2 is %3. Its length must be between %4 and %5

@@ -222,9 +223,13 @@

 MgInvalidXmlDateTime                                  = The Xml date
time is invalid because not all of the fields were found.

 MgInvalidYear                                         = The year is
invalid because it must be between 1 and 9999.

 MgMapLayerGroupNameNotFound                           = The map layer
group name was not found.

+MgMissingClassDef                                     = No class
definition specified.

+MgMissingSchema                                       = No schema

+MgMissingSrs                                          = No coordinate
system specified.

 MgNameNotFound                                        = The name was
not found.

 MgPropertyValuesEmpty                                 = The property
values cannot be empty. 

 MgReaderIdNotFound                                    = The reader ID
was not found.

+MgRepositoryAlreadyOpened                             = The repository
is already opened by another process (e.g. If you are running the server
interactively as an application from the command line, are you also
running the server as a service?).

 MgResourceDataFilePathEmpty                           = The resource
data file path is empty.

 MgResourceNameDoesNotContainSectionName               = The resource
name does not contain a section name.

 MgResourceNameSeparatorNotFound                       = The resource
name separator was not found.

@@ -242,10 +247,6 @@

 MgValueCannotBeLessThanOrEqualToZero                  = The value
cannot be less than or equal to zero.

 MgValueCannotBeLessThanZero                           = The value
cannot be less than zero.

 MgValueCannotBeZero                                   = The value
cannot be zero.

-MgMissingClassDef                                     = No class
definition specified.

-MgClassWOIdentity                                     = A class
definition has no identity property.

-MgMissingSrs                                          = No coordinate
system specified.

-MgMissingSchema                                       = No schema



 # D R A W I N G  S E R V I C E

@@ -256,24 +257,29 @@

 # F E A T U R E  S E R V I C E



+MgBatchInsertNotSupported                             = Provider does
not support batch insert. Only one Feature instance is allowed.

+MgCommandNotSupported                                 = Command is not
supported by Provider.

+MgCustomFunctionNotSupported                          = Aggregate
function specified not supported or invalid data type

+MgGroupingNotSupported                                = Grouping is not
supported by provider

+MgInsertError                                         = Error occurred
while insert operation, no ID to retrieve

+MgInvalidComputedProperty                             = Invalid
Computed property specified, Make sure valid no of arguments are

+MgInvalidConnectionString                             = Invalid
Connection String.

 MgInvalidFdoProvider                                  = Invalid Feature
Provider specified.

 MgInvalidPropertyName                                 = Invalid
Property Name found.

 MgMissingConfiguration                                = No
configuration specified.

-MgInvalidConnectionString                             = Invalid
Connection String.

-MgPropertyNotEnumerable                               = Property
specified is not enumerable.

+MgMissingPropertyAlias                                = Alias for
computed property is missing

 MgMissingRasterProperty                               = No Raster
Property available in the class.

-MgCommandNotSupported                                 = Command is not
supported by Provider.

+MgNoFeaturesForInsert                                 = No Features for
Insert supplied

 MgOnlyOnePropertyAllowed                              = Only one
aggregate function of this kind is supported

-MgInvalidComputedProperty                             = Invalid
Computed property specified, Make sure valid no of arguments are

-MgCustomFunctionNotSupported                          = Aggregate
function specified not supported or invalid data type

-MgMissingPropertyAlias                                = Alias for
computed property is missing

-MgBatchInsertNotSupported                             = Provider does
not support batch insert. Only one Feature instance is allowed.

-MgNoFeaturesForInsert                                 = No Features for
Insert supplied

-MgInsertError                                         = Error occurred
while insert operation, no ID to retrieve

 MgOrderingOptionNotSupported                          = Ordering Option
is not supported by provider

-MgGroupingNotSupported                                = Grouping is not
supported by provider

+MgPropertyNotEnumerable                               = Property
specified is not enumerable.



+# K M L  S E R V I C E





 # M A P P I N G  S E R V I C E



@@ -287,12 +293,12 @@

 # R E S O U R C E  S E R V I C E



+MgPackageStatusMessageLoadPackageFailed               = LOAD FAILED: %1
failed to load package on %2

+MgPackageStatusMessageLoadPackageInProgress           = Loading package
%1 ...

 MgPackageStatusMessageLoadPackageSucceeded            = LOAD SUCCEEDED:
%1 successfully loaded package on %2

-MgPackageStatusMessageMakePackageSucceeded            = MAKE SUCCEEDED:
%1 successfully made package on %2

-MgPackageStatusMessageLoadPackageFailed               = LOAD FAILED: %1
failed to load package on %2

 MgPackageStatusMessageMakePackageFailed               = MAKE FAILED: %1
failed to make package on %2

-MgPackageStatusMessageLoadPackageInProgress           = Loading package
%1 ...

 MgPackageStatusMessageMakePackageInProgress           = Making package
%1 ...

+MgPackageStatusMessageMakePackageSucceeded            = MAKE SUCCEEDED:
%1 successfully made package on %2

 MgPackageStatusMessageNotStarted                      = Not started

 MgPackageStatusMessageUnknown                         = Unknown

 MgRepositoryBusy                                      = Please try your
operation later as the repository was busy.

@@ -322,3 +328,8 @@

 MgUserFullNameAuthor                                  = Map Author

 MgUserFullNameWfsUser                                 = WFS User

 MgUserFullNameWmsUser                                 = WMS User



+# T I L E  S E R V I C E



Index: C:/Projects/MgDev/OS/Web/src/mapagent/Resources/web_en.res


--- C:/Projects/MgDev/OS/Web/src/mapagent/Resources/web_en.res
(revision 1032)

+++ C:/Projects/MgDev/OS/Web/src/mapagent/Resources/web_en.res
(revision 1033)

@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@

 MgCoordinateSystemComputationFailedException          = The coordinate
system computation failed.

 MgCoordinateSystemConversionFailedException           = The coordinate
system conversion failed.

 MgCoordinateSystemInitializationFailedException       = The coordinate
system initialization failed.

+MgCoordinateSystemLoadFailedException                 = The coordinate
system load failed.

 MgCoordinateSystemMeasureFailedException              = The coordinate
system measure failed.

 MgCoordinateSystemTransformFailedException            = The coordinate
system transform failed.

 MgDateTimeException                                   = A date and/or
time exception occurred.

@@ -95,6 +96,7 @@

 MgInvalidResourcePreProcessingTypeException           = Invalid
resource pre-processing type.

 MgInvalidResourceTypeException                        = Invalid
resource type.

 MgInvalidServerNameException                          = Invalid server
name: %1

+MgInvalidSerialNumberException                        = Invalid serial
number: %1

 MgInvalidStreamHeaderException                        = Invalid stream
header exception.

 MgIoException                                         = An IO exception

 MgLayerNotFoundException                              = The specified
layer was not found: %1

@@ -135,7 +137,9 @@

 MgServiceNotAvailableException                        = The specified
service is not available.

 MgServiceNotSupportedException                        = The specified
service is not supported.

 MgSessionExpiredException                             = Session has
expired or is invalid. Please log in again.

+MgSessionNotFoundException                            = A required
session was not found.

 MgStreamIoException                                   = A stream IO
exception occurred.

+MgStylizeLayerFailedException                         = Failed to
stylize layer: %1

 MgTemporaryFileNotAvailableException                  = Temporary file
is not available.

 MgUnauthorizedAccessException                         = Unauthorized

 MgUnclassifiedException                               = An unclassified
exception occurred.

@@ -150,6 +154,7 @@



 MgArgumentsMismatch                                   = The arguments
needed do not match the arguments provided.

+MgClassWOIdentity                                     = A class
definition has no identity property.

 MgCollectionEmpty                                     = The collection
cannot be empty. 

 MgConfigurationPropertyLengthIsInvalid                = The value of
property %1 under section %2 is %3. Its length must be %4

 MgConfigurationPropertyLengthIsOutOfRange             = The value of
property %1 under section %2 is %3. Its length must be between %4 and %5

@@ -218,9 +223,13 @@

 MgInvalidXmlDateTime                                  = The Xml date
time is invalid because not all of the fields were found.

 MgInvalidYear                                         = The year is
invalid because it must be between 1 and 9999.

 MgMapLayerGroupNameNotFound                           = The map layer
group name was not found.

+MgMissingClassDef                                     = No class
definition specified.

+MgMissingSchema                                       = No schema

+MgMissingSrs                                          = No coordinate
system specified.

 MgNameNotFound                                        = The name was
not found.

 MgPropertyValuesEmpty                                 = The property
values cannot be empty. 

 MgReaderIdNotFound                                    = The reader ID
was not found.

+MgRepositoryAlreadyOpened                             = The repository
is already opened by another process (e.g. If you are running the server
interactively as an application from the command line, are you also
running the server as a service?).

 MgResourceDataFilePathEmpty                           = The resource
data file path is empty.

 MgResourceNameDoesNotContainSectionName               = The resource
name does not contain a section name.

 MgResourceNameSeparatorNotFound                       = The resource
name separator was not found.

@@ -250,6 +259,11 @@




+# K M L  S E R V I C E





 # M A P P I N G  S E R V I C E



@@ -263,12 +277,12 @@

 # R E S O U R C E  S E R V I C E



+MgPackageStatusMessageLoadPackageFailed               = LOAD FAILED: %1
failed to load package on %2

+MgPackageStatusMessageLoadPackageInProgress           = Loading package
%1 ...

 MgPackageStatusMessageLoadPackageSucceeded            = LOAD SUCCEEDED:
%1 successfully loaded package on %2

-MgPackageStatusMessageMakePackageSucceeded            = MAKE SUCCEEDED:
%1 successfully made package on %2

-MgPackageStatusMessageLoadPackageFailed               = LOAD FAILED: %1
failed to load package on %2

 MgPackageStatusMessageMakePackageFailed               = MAKE FAILED: %1
failed to make package on %2

-MgPackageStatusMessageLoadPackageInProgress           = Loading package
%1 ...

 MgPackageStatusMessageMakePackageInProgress           = Making package
%1 ...

+MgPackageStatusMessageMakePackageSucceeded            = MAKE SUCCEEDED:
%1 successfully made package on %2

 MgPackageStatusMessageNotStarted                      = Not started

 MgPackageStatusMessageUnknown                         = Unknown


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