[Mapguide_dev] Re: MapGuide RFC 11 - Stateless Http GETTILEIMAGE request

Trevor Wekel trevor.wekel at autodesk.com
Wed Jan 10 12:35:22 EST 2007

Hello all,

Based on feedback I have received though the list and internally at
Autodesk, I am going to post an update to the RFC with the following

- Write a server log entry whenever the map cache is flushed.
- Change the SCALE parameter to SCALEINDEX for clarity.

- Add a "RenderOnly" parameter to serverconfig.ini for the TileService.
This allows MapGuide to be used in a render-only mode and makes it
easier to integrate with 3rd party caching software like Squid.

I will wait another day or so for additional feedback before sending the
RFC to the PSC for approval.

Thanks everyone,
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