[mapguide][MG179][New] TCP/IP Connection Pooling for Web Extensions and Server

Trevor Wekel trevor.wekel at autodesk.com
Mon Apr 3 19:14:46 EDT 2006

You can view the artifact detail at the following URL:



Artifact ID
 MG179 (TCP/IP Connection Pooling for Web Extensions and Server)

Reported by
 Trevor Wekel
 trevorwekel (trevor.wekel at autodesk.com)

New artifact details:

- Artifact Status set to new value
- Summary set to new value
  TCP/IP Connection Pooling for Web Extensions and Server
- Priority set to new value
- Artifact created
- Description set to new value
  Implemement additional code changes and fixups to enable TCP/IP connection pooling between the Web Extensions and the Server.  This is common infrastructure submission that affects all long running processes:

- MapGuide Site Server
- MapGuide Support Servers
- FastCGI MapAgent
- Web Extensions for .Net
- Web Extensions for Java

The Web Extensions for Php are not currently configured as a long running process.  The Php Web Extensions will use connection pooling during the lifetime of php-cgi.exe but Php as a FastCGI should be configured in a later submission to reap the full benefit of connection pooling.
- Justification set to new value
  TCP/IP sockets  are used up at an extremely rapid rate under load.  Each new connection exhausts one ephemeral TCP/IP socket.  Most HTTP requests make 3 TCP/IP requests (and connections) to the Server.  For example, the GETTILEIMAGE request can serve >100 tiles per second consuming 300 sockets each second.  This completely exhausts the Windows ephemeral port pool in under 10 seconds.

This enhancement eliminates the socket exhaustion for most of the MapGuide infrastructure enabling much higher loads to be sustained. 

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