[mapguide][MG196][Modified] AJAX crashes with IE Script Error in layer/map preview of DW...

Alain Lebatard alain.lebatard at autodesk.com
Fri Apr 7 13:49:53 EDT 2006

You can view the artifact detail at the following URL:



Artifact ID:
MG196 (AJAX crashes with IE Script Error in layer/map preview of DWF from Mako)

Modified by:
Alain Lebatard
alainlebatard (alain.lebatard at autodesk.com)

The following modifications were made to this artifact:

-- Resolution set to new value:
-- Resolution Description set to new value:
Valid extent is necessary to perform any action on the map and that reliance on the extent caused the AJAX viewer to crash when no extent is specified.

In this situation the AJAX viewer now attributes arbitrary extent to a map that has none, allowing it to remain functional. This mimics the behavior of the DWF viewer.

-- Artifact Status changed:
Old value:
New value:
-- Target milestone set to new value:

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