[mapguide][MG345][New] Raster printing in DWFViewer does not work

Andrew andrew.demerchant at gemtec.ca
Tue Aug 1 14:18:59 EDT 2006

You can view the artifact detail at the following URL:



Artifact ID
 MG345 (Raster printing in DWFViewer does not work)

Reported by
 andrew_demerchant (andrew.demerchant at gemtec.ca)

New artifact details:

- Artifact Status set to new value
- Summary set to new value
  Raster printing in DWFViewer does not work
- Component set to new value
- Platform set to new value
- Version set to new value
- Defect Severity set to new value
- Steps to Reproduce set to new value
  Bring in a TIFF (mine is a large 28Mb uncompressed TIFF). Try printing using the DWFViewer. Try changing page sizes. 
- Artifact created
- Description set to new value
  I just submitted MG344, and did some more testing. I'm wondering if this is something memory related.

In MG344, I said that I could print TIFFs...this is true, but it's limited. It seems as though I can only plot my TIFFs if the page size is Letter or smaller. If I try Legal, or Tabloid, I get no TIFFs. 

MG344 still applies though, as I get no MrSIDs, ever. 

Perhaps there's some sort of max raster memory usage that's limiting my printing? 
- Subcomponent set to new value
  DWF Viewer
- Operating system set to new value
  Windows 2000

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