[mapguide][MG460][New] remove overwriting of providers.xml from Server/src/Core/Mak...

Tim Strang tim.strang at autodesk.com
Fri Dec 1 13:25:16 EST 2006

You can view the artifact detail at the following URL:



Artifact ID
 MG460 (remove overwriting of providers.xml from Server/src/Core/Makefile.am)

Reported by
 Tim Strang
 timstrang (tim.strang at autodesk.com)

New artifact details:

- Artifact Status set to new value
- Justification set to new value
  supported FDO providers are no longer just SDF and SHP.
- Priority set to new value
- Summary set to new value
  remove overwriting of providers.xml from Server/src/Core/Makefile.am
- Target milestone set to new value
- Artifact created
- Description set to new value
  Server/src/Core/Makefile.am was programmed to generate the providers.xml with only the SDF and SHP providers. Since we are expanding the Server to include more FDO providers, we will use the default providers.xml and instruct the users to update the file correctly by hand.

This message was automatically generated by Project Tracker.

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