[mapguide][MG86][Modified] Previewing a layer/map doesn't work in Studio with Web Exten...

Hartesh Chhabra hartesh.chhabra at autodesk.com
Thu Mar 9 12:00:46 EST 2006

You can view the artifact detail at the following URL:



Artifact ID:
MG86 (Previewing a layer/map doesn't work in Studio with Web Extensions Java environment)

Modified by:
Hartesh Chhabra
harteshchhabra (hartesh.chhabra at autodesk.com)

The following modifications were made to this artifact:

-- Resolution Description set to new value:
We need to add following statements to httpd.conf file-

#This is for previewing maps in Studio using AJAX viewer

Redirect /mapguide/mapviewerajax/  http://servername:8008/mapguide/mapviewerjava/ajaxviewer.jsp - 
-- Description set to new value:
Old value:
Studio uses follwing aliases to preview layer/map

New value:
We need to add following statements to httpd.conf file-

#This is for previewing maps in Studio using AJAX viewer

Redirect /mapguide/mapviewerajax/  http://servername:8008/mapguide/mapviewerjava/ajaxviewer.jsp - 

#This is for previewing maps in Studio using DWF viewer
Redirect /mapguide/mapviewerdwf/  http://servername:8008/mapguide/mapviewerjava/dwfviewer.jsp 

This message was automatically generated by Project Tracker.

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