[mapguide][MG158][New] Please allow specification of lines and polygon borders in m...

Jason Birch jason.birch at nanaimo.ca
Thu Mar 23 11:23:50 EST 2006

You can view the artifact detail at the following URL:



Artifact ID
 MG158 (Please allow specification of lines and polygon borders in map units/mapping space)

Reported by
 Jason Birch
 jasonbirch (jason.birch at nanaimo.ca)

New artifact details:

- Description set to new value
  Currently only points can be specified in mapping space, lines and borders can only be displayed in device space.  Please enhance MapGuide (and Studio) to allow specification of line widths in map units.
- Artifact created
- Artifact Status set to new value
- Summary set to new value
  Please allow specification of lines and polygon borders in map units/mapping space
- Justification set to new value
  Two examples:

- At large scales, I want road centrelines to show up at the their physical width, as defined in the database.  I don't have a polygonal roads coverage; this allows me to shade the roads.

- I want to be able to do the same with utility pipes to show their physical width.

Initial request

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