[mapguide][MG269][New] MapGuide service has underlying name "Server", conflicting w...

Jason Birch jason.birch at nanaimo.ca
Tue May 2 02:04:15 EDT 2006

You can view the artifact detail at the following URL:



Artifact ID
 MG269 (MapGuide service has underlying name "Server", conflicting with the netsvcs(LanManServer) service.)

Reported by
 Jason Birch
 jasonbirch (jason.birch at nanaimo.ca)

New artifact details:

- Artifact created
- Description set to new value
  The MapGuide service has the following configuration:
 Image Name: MgServer.exe
 Display Name: MapGuide Server
 Service Name: Server

The LanManServer service (Windows-native; provides network file and print services) has the following configuration:
 Image Name: svchost.exe -k netsvcs
 Display Name: Server
 Service Name: lanmanserver

As you can see, there is a naming conflict between the Display Name of the Server service, and the Service Name of the MapGuide Service.

This doesn't appear to affect the Windows Services MMC Snap-in, but the NET START and NET STOP commands get confused and only affect the lanmanserver service, at least on my XP Pro SP2 configuration.

- OS Distribution and Version set to new value
  Pro SP2, not on domain
- Component set to new value
- Summary set to new value
  MapGuide service has underlying name "Server", conflicting with the netsvcs(LanManServer) service.
- Defect Severity set to new value
- Platform set to new value
- Version set to new value
- Operating system set to new value
  Windows XP
- Subcomponent set to new value
- Steps to Reproduce set to new value
1. Open the MMC Services Snap-in

2. Ensure that the MapGuide Server service is running

3. Open a command window

4. Issue the command NET STOP "MapGuide Server"

5. Note that the display echos "The Server service is stopping"

6. Refresh the MMC screen, and note that the MapGuide Server service is still running, and the Server service has stopped

- Artifact Status set to new value

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