[mapguide][MG450][New] Selection does not work with King Oracle

Bruno Scott bscott at geomapgis.com
Fri Nov 17 10:07:19 EST 2006

You can view the artifact detail at the following URL:



Artifact ID
 MG450 (Selection does not work with King Oracle)

Reported by
 Bruno Scott
 bscott (bscott at geomapgis.com)

New artifact details:

- Version set to new value
- Artifact Status set to new value
- Summary set to new value
  Selection does not work with King Oracle
- Platform set to new value
- Artifact created
- Steps to Reproduce set to new value
  just try to select a feature using the above configuration
- Subcomponent set to new value
  DWF Viewer
- Defect Severity set to new value
- Operating system set to new value
  Windows XP
- Component set to new value
- Description set to new value
  Selection does not work with King Oracle 0.4.4
I've tried it with MG Enterprise SP1 and OpenSource 1.0.2 using Dwf and ajax viewer.

Using the Autodesk FDO Oracle provider on the same tables works fine. Using other providers like sdf works fine too.

Using King Oracle with oracle instant client
Oracle server 9.0.5 and 10G1

Using IIS on windows xp pro or windows 2003 SP1

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