[mapguide][MG412][Modified] Update version of MapGuide 1.0.1 branch to 1.0.2

Tim Strang tim.strang at autodesk.com
Tue Oct 3 12:31:10 EDT 2006

You can view the artifact detail at the following URL:



Artifact ID:
MG412 (Update version of MapGuide 1.0.1 branch to 1.0.2)

Modified by:
Tim Strang
timstrang (tim.strang at autodesk.com)

The following modifications were made to this artifact:

Added following comment to artifact::

Automated Comment.  Version control commit message.

MG412: Update version of MapGuide 1.0.1 branch to 1.0.2

File: branches/1.0.x/MgDev/configure.in https://mapguide.osgeo.org/source/browse/mapguide/branches/1.0.x/MgDev/configure.in?view=diff&rev=843&p1=branches/1.0.x/MgDev/configure.in&r1=842&p2=branches/1.0.x/MgDev/configure.in&r2=843

This message was automatically generated by Project Tracker.

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