[mapguide][MG377][Modified] Port MapGuide to Platform API code base on Linux

Ronnie Louie ronnie.louie at autodesk.com
Fri Sep 15 17:37:52 EDT 2006

You can view the artifact detail at the following URL:



Artifact ID:
MG377 (Port MapGuide to Platform API code base on Linux)

Modified by:
Ronnie Louie
ronnielouie (ronnie.louie at autodesk.com)

The following modifications were made to this artifact:

Added following comment to artifact::

Automated Comment.  Version control commit message.

Remove unused MgDev/Common/Service directory.  The contents of this directory has been migrated to the Platform API code base.

Directory: trunk/MgDev/Common/Service

This message was automatically generated by Project Tracker.

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