[mapguide-psc] Bootstrapping the MapGuide PSC

Robert Bray rbray at robertbray.net
Tue Oct 17 01:45:40 EDT 2006


I have addressed the last two comments. As for the first two that is a 
little more interesting. The document is intentionally a little vague 
about whether voting takes place on a mailing list or in a meeting. That 
is because I have not really decided and wanted to leave it open for 
discussion. MapServer primarily uses the dev list for voting. Other 
projects GeoServer, GeoTools, etc use IRC meetings for voting where 
having a quorum can actually be detected.

So which should approach should we use? The advantage of the e-mail 
approach is that it is easier to get world representation onto the PSC 
without anyone getting up in the middle of the night for a meeting. The 
advantage of IRC is the interactive nature of the dialog.



Paul Spencer wrote:
> Jason, you hog!  You've taken all the good questions ;)  But I have a 
> couple more ...
> There is nothing about requiring a quorum for voting ...
> Should we allow proxy votes?  I think we should state something explicit
> The Change Request process has a significant gray area ... I think we 
> should say something about anything questionable can/should be brought 
> up to the PSC for a decision on whether the change requires a change 
> request or not.  Basically, if you are not sure, ask and we will decide.
> Finally, re guiding development efforts, I think as a minimum +1 
> voters need to stay engaged with a particular change request ...
> Cheers
> Paul
> On 16-Oct-06, at 6:30 PM, Jason Birch wrote:
>> Hi,
>> That IRC meeting time conflicts with OSGeo WebCom, which I'm chairing 
>> :(  I like the time slot though; Tuesday or Thursday works for me on 
>> a recurring basis.
>> Should there be a requirement that any submitted functionality come 
>> with a plan for funding the development, or will this be a purely 
>> merit-based process.  If merit-based, how to we prioritise once the 
>> features have been let past the gate?  On a funding basis?  What if 
>> we have some funding floating around because of generous donations to 
>> the project?
>> I think that the voting provision for removing members should be 
>> clarified, and perhaps we should consider another exit strategy in 
>> the case that there is a rogue member that continues to participate, 
>> but in a way that is counter to the goals of the project as a whole.  
>> And yes, my glass is half-empty.
>> There should be some work done on a proposal template and suggested 
>> evaluation criteria but that's not in scope here.
>> Jason
>> From: Robert Bray [mailto:rbray at robertbray.net]
>> Sent: Monday, October 16, 2006 14:54
>> To: psc at mapguide.osgeo.org
>> Subject: [mapguide-psc] Bootstrapping the MapGuide PSC
>> All,
>> Welcome to the MapGuide PSC. I created this mailing list as a means 
>> for us to communicate as we get the PSC up and running. The mailing 
>> list is open to all, but I simply added this your e-mail addresses to 
>> get things going. Please review and comment (back to this list) on 
>> the PSC guidelines that can now be found at: 
>> https://mapguide.osgeo.org/psc.html.
>> I would also like to propose an initial bootstrap meeting of the PSC 
>> on Wednesday at 2:00 PM (EST) / 12:00 PM (MST) / 11:00 AM (PST). The 
>> agenda for that first meeting is:
>> Review and discuss the PSC Guidelines
>> Development and/or PSC Meetings on IRC
>> The psc vs dev mailing list. Do we need both?
>> Initial PSC size and member nominations.
>> As per open source custom, the meeting will be held on IRC. For IRC 
>> newbies Chatzilla is probably the best way to get going. It works 
>> with Firefox and once installed you can log onto the channel by 
>> pointing your browser at: irc://irc.freenode.net/#mapguide. You can 
>> download Chatzilla from: http://www.hacksrus.com/~ginda/chatzilla/.
>> Daniel you have been included in the PSC mailing list and the meeting 
>> invite so that you can monitor how things progress as we strive to 
>> satisfy our final incubation requirement.
>> Please let me know if the meeting time works for you and if not 
>> please propose a new time.
>> Thanks,
>> Bob
> +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
> |Paul Spencer                          pspencer at dmsolutions.ca    |
> +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
> |Chief Technology Officer                                         |
> |DM Solutions Group Inc                http://www.dmsolutions.ca/ |
> +-----------------------------------------------------------------+

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