[mapguide-users] Initializing resourceService within VB.Net
Kori Maleski
km at pat.ca
Fri Apr 7 13:49:24 EDT 2006
Merry Christmas
I deserve a beer for this...
#Region "::: MapGuide API Functions"
Public Function ZoomSelection(ByVal l_sZoomSelectionType As String,
ByVal l_sSession As String, ByVal l_sMapName As String, ByVal l_sLayerGroups
As String, ByVal l_sLayer As String, ByVal l_sFilter As String, Optional
ByVal l_dMinY As Double = 0, Optional ByVal l_dMinX As Double = 0, Optional
ByVal l_dMaxY As Double = 0, Optional ByVal l_dMaxX As Double = 0) As String
Dim l_dY As Double = 0
Dim l_dX As Double = 0
Dim l_dWidth As Double = 0
Dim l_dHeight As Double = 0
'Establish Map session
Dim l_oCred As New MgUserInformation(l_sSession)
'connect to the site and get a feature service and a resource
service instances
Dim l_oSite As New MgSiteConnection()
Dim l_oFeatureSrvc As MgFeatureService =
Dim l_oResourceSrvc As MgResourceService =
'Create a temporary map runtime object
Dim l_oMap As New MgMap()
l_oMap.Open(l_oResourceSrvc, l_sMapName)
'If performing a Zoom
If l_sZoomSelectionType <> "SelectAll" Then
Dim l_oMGCoordinateSystemFactory As New
Dim l_oMGGeometryFactory As New MgGeometryFactory
'Get Current map projection
Dim l_sWKTproj As String = l_oMap.GetMapSRS()
'Create Coordinate System object to Reproject points
Dim l_oMGCoordinateSystem As MgCoordinateSystem =
'Lower Left Coordinate
Dim l_oMGCoordinateLatLonLL As MgCoordinate =
l_oMGGeometryFactory.CreateCoordinateXY(l_dMinX, l_dMinY)
Dim l_oMGCoordinateXYLL As MgCoordinate =
'Upper Right Coordinate
Dim l_oMGCoordinateLatLonUR As MgCoordinate =
l_oMGGeometryFactory.CreateCoordinateXY(l_dMaxX, l_dMaxY)
Dim l_oMGCoordinateXYUR As MgCoordinate =
If l_oMGCoordinateXYUR.GetX() = l_oMGCoordinateXYLL.GetX()
And l_oMGCoordinateXYUR.GetY() - l_oMGCoordinateXYLL.GetY() Then
l_dX = l_oMGCoordinateXYUR.GetX()
l_dY = l_oMGCoordinateXYUR.GetY()
l_dX = (l_oMGCoordinateXYUR.GetX() -
l_oMGCoordinateXYLL.GetX()) / 2 + l_oMGCoordinateXYLL.GetX()
l_dY = (l_oMGCoordinateXYUR.GetY() -
l_oMGCoordinateXYLL.GetY()) / 2 + l_oMGCoordinateXYLL.GetY()
End If
'Get Map Width and Height
l_dWidth = (l_oMGCoordinateXYUR.GetX() -
l_oMGCoordinateXYLL.GetX()) * 2
l_dHeight = (l_oMGCoordinateXYUR.GetY() -
l_oMGCoordinateXYLL.GetY()) * 2
'Which one is bigger
If l_dHeight > l_dWidth Then
l_dWidth = l_dHeight
End If
End If
Dim l_oLayerGroup As MgLayerGroup = Nothing
Dim l_cLayerGroups As MgLayerGroupCollection =
Dim l_oLayer As MgLayer = Nothing
Dim l_cLayers As MgLayerCollection = l_oMap.GetLayers()
'Get Layer by Name
l_oLayer = l_cLayers.GetItem(l_sLayer)
Dim l_sFeatureClassName As String =
'Set Filter to Selection IDs
Dim l_oQuery As New MgFeatureQueryOptions()
'Get Feature Resource
Dim l_ofeatureSource As MgResourceIdentifier = New
'Get Feature Reader
Dim l_ofeatures As MgFeatureReader =
l_oFeatureSrvc.SelectFeatures(l_ofeatureSource, l_sFeatureClassName,
'Turn Layer Group Visibility On
If l_sLayerGroups.Contains("|") = False Then
l_oLayerGroup = l_cLayerGroups.GetItem(l_sLayerGroups)
Else 'Nested Layer Groups
' Split LayerGroup parameter
Dim l_oLayerGroupArray As String() =
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To l_oLayerGroupArray.GetUpperBound(0)
l_oLayerGroup =
End If
'Turn Layer Visibility On
'Save Map
'Generate XML to selection this feature
Dim l_oSel As MgSelection = New MgSelection(l_oMap)
'Add Features to selection
l_oSel.AddFeatures(l_oLayer, l_ofeatures, 0)
Dim selText As String = l_oSel.ToXml()
'Set Javascript Function
'If performing a Zoom and Select
If l_sZoomSelectionType = "ZoomSelected" Then
ZoomSelection = String.Format("ZoomSelection( {0}, {1}, {2},
'{3}' );", l_dX, l_dY, l_dWidth, selText)
Session("MapSelectionDataXML") = selText
'Zoom Only
ElseIf l_sZoomSelectionType = "ZoomGoTo" Then
ZoomSelection = String.Format("ZoomGoTo( {0}, {1}, '1200'
);", l_dX, l_dY)
'Select Only
ElseIf l_sZoomSelectionType = "SelectAll" Then
ZoomSelection = String.Format("SelectAll('{0}' );", selText)
Session("MapSelectionDataXML") = selText
End If
'Close Connection
End Function
#End Region
Kori Maleski
Senior Technical Consultant
Pacific Alliance Technologies
Suite 400 - 534 17 Ave. SW Calgary, AB CANADA T2S 0B1
TEL: 403.770.1917 FAX: 877.691.9149 TOL: 877.691.9171 www.pat.ca
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Initializing-resourceService-within-VB.Net-t1409976.html#a3808359
Sent from the OSGeo MapGuide forum at Nabble.com.
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