[mapguide-users] ODBC problem...

Andrew DeMerchant andrew.demerchant at gemtec.ca
Wed Apr 12 15:45:40 EDT 2006

Has anyone managed to get around this issue? Is there anyone who has 
successfully gotten an Access database to work using the ODBC provider 
(or any other way, for that matter)?


Andrew DeMerchant wrote:

> Yes it's an Access 2000 database.
> Andrew
> Robert Fortin wrote:
>> Andrew,
>> Was it done against an Access db?
>> RF
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> *From:* Andrew DeMerchant [mailto:andrew.demerchant at gemtec.ca]
>> *Sent:* Tuesday, April 11, 2006 12:57 PM
>> *To:* users at mapguide.osgeo.org
>> *Subject:* Re: [mapguide-users] ODBC problem...
>> I got this:
>>     An exception occurred in FDO component. RDBMS: No current open
>>     database.
>> An exception occurred in FDO component. RDBMS: No current open 
>> database. Exception occurred in method MgFdoConnectionManager.Open at 
>> line 912 in file 
>> c:\build_tux_area\mgdev\server\src\common\manager\FdoConnectionManager.cpp
>> Andrew
>> Joel Carranza wrote:
>>> Well, the first time I tried this, I got a short reply of "False" 
>>> and then the MapGuide service crashed. Nothing reported in any of 
>>> the error logs. Restarted and ran again.
>>> I got the following:
>>>     An exception occurred in FDO component. Bad parameter to method.
>>> An exception occurred in FDO component. Bad parameter to method. 
>>> Exception occurred in method MgFdoConnectionManager.Open at line 912 
>>> in file 
>>> c:\build_tux_area\mgdev\server\src\common\manager\FdoConnectionManager.cpp
>>> Any ideas?
>>> --Joel
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> *From:* Tom Fukushima [mailto:tom.fukushima at autodesk.com]
>>> *Sent:* Tuesday, April 11, 2006 9:31 AM
>>> *To:* users at mapguide.osgeo.org
>>> *Subject:* RE: [mapguide-users] ODBC problem...
>>> Hi Andrew,
>>> The diagnostic information that shows up in the test connection 
>>> information area is not very useful (this problem has been fixed 
>>> recently but is not in Studio 16802).  Please try the following:
>>> 1) Open your browser to the HTML index of MapGuide web tier. It has 
>>> the form: http://<servername>/mapguide/mapagent/index.html 
>>> <http://%3Cservername%3E/mapguide/mapagent/index.html>. (Message 
>>> https://mapguide.osgeo.org/servlets/ReadMsg?listName=users&msgNo=321 
>>> <https://mapguide.osgeo.org/servlets/ReadMsg?listName=users&msgNo=321> also 
>>> has information on how to get to these pages.)
>>> 2) Click on the Feature Service API link in the top left frame.
>>> 3) Click on the TestConnection link in the bottom left frame.
>>> 4) In the Resource ID field, type in the name of the ODBC feature 
>>> source that you created.  This should have the form 
>>> Library://<path>/<name>.FeatureSource.
>>> 5) Press Submit
>>> The resultant web page should give information on why the connection 
>>> is not working.
>>> Hope this helps,
>>> Tom
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> *From:* Joel Carranza [mailto:jec at gatekeeper.com]
>>> *Sent:* Tuesday, April 11, 2006 10:29 AM
>>> *To:* users at mapguide.osgeo.org
>>> *Subject:* Re: [mapguide-users] ODBC problem...
>>> I don't think that the project is just with Jet connections. I have 
>>> been unable to get any kind of ODBC (access, Oracle ODBC) connection 
>>> to work, resulting in an identical error. I get similar results 
>>> using either the Data Source Name or Connection String options
>>> Joel Carranza
>>> jec at gatekeeper.com
>>> Gatekeeper Systems
>>> Andrew DeMerchant wrote:
>>>> I've just installed the latest Mapguide, Mapserver, and Studio as 
>>>> well as the ODBC and Raster providers. Everything working fine, 
>>>> except the ODBC. I've got a Jet connection set up on my computer, 
>>>> and the provider does find it...I select the data source name, save 
>>>> the connection, and then try "Test Connection" and get some errors:
>>>> System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (559) 
>>>> MgFdoException.
>>>>    at 
>>>> Autodesk.MapGuide.Studio.Site.Comm.RequestManager.ExecutePendingGetRequestToString(Operation 
>>>> operation)
>>>>    at 
>>>> Autodesk.MapGuide.Studio.Site.Comm.RequestManager.TestConnection(String 
>>>> resourceId, String provider, String connectionString)
>>>>    at Autodesk.MapGuide.Studio.Site.FeatureSourceInfo.TestConnection()
>>>>    at 
>>>> Autodesk.MapGuide.Studio.UI.FeatureSourceEditors.TestConnectionControl.buttonTestConnection_Click(Object 
>>>> sender, EventArgs e)
>>>> Am I missing something here, or does it just not yet work with Jet 
>>>> databases? My data source is totally fine, as it works with other 
>>>> web apps that I have made.
>>>> Andrew
>>>> ps - Great work on the Raster provider!
>>>> -- 
>>>> 	*Andrew DeMerchant*
>>>> *Computer Technologist*
>>>> ph.506-453-1025
>>>> fax 506-453-9470
>>>> /GEMTEC Limited <http://www.gemtec.ca>
>>>> /191 Doak Road
>>>> Fredericton, NB, Canada
>>>> E3C 2E6
>> -- 
>> 	*Andrew DeMerchant*
>> *Computer Technologist*
>> ph.506-453-1025
>> fax 506-453-9470
>> /GEMTEC Limited <http://www.gemtec.ca>
>> /191 Doak Road
>> Fredericton, NB, Canada
>> E3C 2E6
> -- 
> 	*Andrew DeMerchant*
> *Computer Technologist*
> ph.506-453-1025
> fax 506-453-9470
> /GEMTEC Limited <http://www.gemtec.ca>
> /191 Doak Road
> Fredericton, NB, Canada
> E3C 2E6

	*Andrew DeMerchant*
*Computer Technologist*
fax 506-453-9470

/GEMTEC Limited <http://www.gemtec.ca>
/191 Doak Road
Fredericton, NB, Canada
E3C 2E6

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