[mapguide-users] problems with invoke URL

Butler, Juan P jpbutler at co.pinellas.fl.us
Fri Apr 21 10:11:38 EDT 2006

Are you using Mapguide 6.5?   Not sure why you would be posting here for
.mwf file.   The new Mapguide Open Source no longer uses this format.


If you are using Mapguide 6.5, just use Mapguide Author.


Juan Butler - Senior Programmer/Analyst
GIS Applications
Pinellas County Information Systems
jpbutler at pinellascounty.org




From: sukalyan chakraborty [mailto:chakraborty.sarkar at gmail.com] 
Sent: Friday, April 21, 2006 6:57 AM
To: users at mapguide.osgeo.org
Subject: Re: [mapguide-users] problems with invoke URL


can u tell me please how can i create the .mwf file?


On 4/20/06, shailesh <shailesh at simplexindia.com> wrote: 

hi all.

i have a problem with invoke url command, when i assign the URL TO OPEN 
it shows me page cannot be dispalyed
however when i type 
in URL TO OPEN it works 
i also tried something like c:\1.html after creating a file in C:\ even
that does not work

and also when i tested my application whihc is on the webserver 
it tried typing the URL to invoke 

http:\\myipaddress\mapguide\dotnetviewersample\navigatetask.aspx i was
unable to get
(i tried this because the localhost path was working onmy local machine)

need help on the correct way to write the URL to Invoke " 


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