MapGuide Open Source with Java and Servlets ?

Scott Reisdorf reisdorf1 at
Thu Aug 17 12:49:57 EDT 2006

Has anyone been successful in integrating the mapguide open source Java 
and external servlets?
I would like to code additional Java code in custom servlets and then 
have the jsp call the Ajax request to these servlets to perform the 
proper Map function (i.e. querying data).
The problem I am running into is when the jsp calls the servlet, it 
throws an error:
"java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: MapGuideJavaApi.dll already loaded in 
another classloader"

Has anyone dealt with this before or does anyone have any ideas/advice 
on using MapGuide Java with additional servlets that call the MapJavaApi?

Any help is appreciated.



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