DB2 provider !? + AW: [mapguide-users] Level of Java support

Stefan.Reuschel at dataprocess.de Stefan.Reuschel at dataprocess.de
Fri Dec 15 02:30:19 EST 2006

Hi all,
at first a question (repeated): 
Does anybody know, whether there is - or will be in the near future -
any kind of provider for accessing a "DB2"-database?
Thank you in advance for answers and suggestions!
Well, there are some people out there interested in developing with
java... It would be fine to share some JSP code or find some examples -
at least for people who grew up neither with PHP nor JSP ;-)



Von: Jason Birch [mailto:Jason.Birch at nanaimo.ca] 
Gesendet: Freitag, 8. Dezember 2006 07:55
An: users at mapguide.osgeo.org
Betreff: RE: [mapguide-users] Level of Java support

Hi Steve,
I'm pretty happy with the way that our community is developing; most
questions are getting answered these days, and many of the answers are
coming from other users rather than from the developers.  This is a
great sign.
That said, we're still really in the early days.  There are at least a
couple Java folks on the list, but they've been pretty quiet so far.  If
my experience with PHP and C# has been any indication though, Java
should be pretty smooth.  Basically install the server and web
extensions, and then install the Java viewer sample to get a headstart
on how the APIs are used.
If you choose to go ahead and try out the Java APIs, I'd really be
interested in hearing about your experience.  It would be great if we
could start developing some documentation around using the various APIs,
including any idiosyncrasies.  We could start out by posting to the
Wiki, and then move to the project website as the content matures.
I'm pretty sure that there's nothing COM about MapGuide.  It's been
engineered from the ground up in cross-platform C++ using TCP/IP for
IPC, and runs natively on both Linux and Windows as a service/daemon, as
a CGI "MapAgent", and as a series of web-friendly APIs.  These APIs are
generated using SWIG to wrap the C++ classes/methods, and in Java's case
I believe that SWIG generates JNI wrappers.  I'm sure that a real
developer will correct me if I've got any of this wrong...


From: steven citron-pousty
Sent: Thu 2006-12-07 9:45 PM
To: users at mapguide.osgeo.org
Subject: [mapguide-users] Level of Java support

Greetings all:
I have searched the mailing list and it seems that the level of
interest/support for Java is not really there for the MapGuide
Community. The documentation does most of it's samples in PHP which is
not what I am interested in, nor are most of my clients. Can anyone give
some pointers on getting up to speed on the Java interface to mapguide. 
One quick question - is the Java version using JNI or some COM/Java
bridge? I am kinda tired of that with ArcGIS products and do not relish
the thought of bugs in the code crashing my JVM.

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