[mapguide-users] WMS and MapGuide Enterprise 2007 problem

Paul Ramsey pramsey at refractions.net
Sun Jul 9 21:14:41 EDT 2006


Save the result and open it up in a notepad.  The text of the return  
may indicate where the problem is. The whole "download" issue is a  
side-effect of the OGC decision to specify their own MIME-types (why?  
why?! why?!!) for the XML error returns in WMS (instead of just using  
text/xml like good puppies).  Your browser sees a MIME-type it  
doesn't understand, cannot find a handler for it, and falls back on  
the only remaining option, save it to disk.  But it's just a text XML  
chunk, I bet, and if your lucky it even describes your error  
condition in a helpful way.


On 9-Jul-06, at 12:04 PM, Andy Morsell wrote:

> Hi,
> I got MapGuide Enterprise 2007 installed and running on my  
> development box yesterday (XP Pro and IIS 5, .NET web extensions)  
> and only ran into a couple of snags.  I am still re-configuring  
> everything to work with the new version and the biggest problem I  
> have run into is WMS requests not working.  Whenever a standard WMS  
> request is made (such as http://localhost/mapguide/mapagent/ 
> mapagent.fcgi?request=GetMap&service=WMS&layers=Samples/Sheboygan/ 
> Layers/Hydrography&srs=EPSG: 
> 4326&bbox=-87.74,43.68,-87.69,43.815&width=500&height=500&format=image 
> /png) I am prompted with a browser File Download dialog to download  
> mapagent.fcgi.  Actually, the same thing happens with a non-WMS  
> MapGuide GetMap request.  Thanks to Thomas Tuerke for providing the  
> HTML page to test this stuff a few days ago.
> WMS appears to be configured in Admin and I changed the default  
> server name of localhost:8008 to localhost (by the way, Autodesk,  
> saving WMS parameters from Admin does not work in IE 7 beta, I had  
> to use Firefox).  Also, the layers are properly exposed to WMS via  
> Studio.  The only difference I can see between this configuration  
> and my older MGOS install on my production server is that the WMS  
> server name still says (provide your server name), but it still  
> works.  I am able to successfully get WMS capabilities via http:// 
> localhost/mapguide/mapagent/mapagent.fcgi? 
> REQUEST=GetCapabilities&SERVICE=WMS&FORMAT=text/xml and everything  
> looks fine there.  This problem almost looks like a mime type  
> issue, but I am able to make the same calls to my older system and  
> it returns an image.
> So, any ideas why the request is not returning an image?
> Andy Morsell, P.E.
> Spatial Integrators, Inc.
> http://www.SpatialGIS.com

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