MapGuide deployment

Chuck Wilbur chuckwilbur at
Thu Jul 13 13:05:02 EDT 2006

Hello list,

I'm new to MapGuide development, so of course for my first project
management wants something pretty ambitious :)

We are a third-party developer on Autodesk Map. We want to create a MapGuide
application for deployment into multiple independent customer sites to
perform functionality like network tracing and redlining.

I've started researching MGOS and my first question is about general
deployment at customer sites. MapGuide Studio lays out a very specific order
of operations for deployment: Find Data, Build Layers, Make a Map, and Place
Map on Internet. The last step is where the toolbar and task pane are
customized and new commands are added.

It seems to me that we want to do the toolbar/task pane step first and then
deploy our functionality to customer sites on top of their data. Ideally I
guess this would take the form of some kind of installer to run on their
server and set up the custom code.

So, my question: Will this approach work? If so, how? If not, is there an
alternate method I should be trying? Has anyone else built and deployed an
application code-first like this?

Thanks in advance for any help
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