[mapguide-users] RE: viewing map from an internet browser

simflex simflex at millenniumhealthproducts.com
Fri Jul 21 08:37:59 EDT 2006


I just need one clarification.

I only modified ajaxviewersample.aspx based Shailesh's instruction.

Reasoning is that I have already downloaded dotnetviewersampl, and it is
already in c:\program files\mapguideopensource\webserverextension\www\.

All I did was save ajaxviewersample.aspx in another name and made the
changes on those 2 lines.

Now, I am getting the following error:

Resource was not found: Library://Roads/Layouts/transApp.WebLayout
Resource was not found: Library://Roads/Layouts/transApp.WebLayout Exception
occurred in method MgResourceDefinitionManager.GetDocument at line 483 in

I have already stopped and restarted service. I have verified that the names
referenced in those 2 lines are correct.

what did I miss?

View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/viewing-map-from-an-internet-browser-tf1972327.html#a5432937
Sent from the OSGeo MapGuide forum at Nabble.com.

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