[mapguide-users] Printing to specific scale doesn't work - wrong scale

Andrew DeMerchant andrew.demerchant at gemtec.ca
Thu Jul 27 14:00:07 EDT 2006

Nope....nothing quite so simple unfortunately......also of note, I just 
tried to print the same thing out at 1:10666 (which should equal 
1:10000, if I did my math right), but that just plain doesn't work...I 
get a blank page. I'm guessing that you can't just type in the scale 
that you want, unless it's in the list (though the program lets you 
think that you can do it)


Andy Morsell wrote:

> You don't have any printer specific override settings that might be 
> affecting this do you?  Such as a "scale page to fit" or similar option?
> Andy
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* Andrew DeMerchant [mailto:andrew.demerchant at gemtec.ca]
> *Sent:* Thursday, July 27, 2006 10:46 AM
> *To:* users at mapguide.osgeo.org
> *Subject:* [mapguide-users] Printing to specific scale doesn't work - 
> wrong scale
> If you select a printout to be at a specific scale, it's wrong (off by 
> about 5%).
> If you are using a custom print layout with a scalebar, it's easier to 
> notice right away. Print something at 1:10000, for example. Then grab 
> an actual 1:10000 scale and you'll see that the scale bar on the page 
> is too small. From 0 to 600 metres, it should measure 60mm, but is 
> actually only 56mm. This translates to a 40metre error when scaling 
> things off of the printout. The scalebar does actually match the scale 
> of the drawing though, but it is not 1:10000, as it claims.
> Has anyone run into this? I've just submitted it as a bug....maybe 
> there's a workaround though....
> Andrew
> -- 
> 	*Andrew DeMerchant*
> *Computer Technologist*
> ph.1-877-4GEMTEC x.163
> fax 506-453-9470
> /GEMTEC Limited <http://www.gemtec.ca>
> /191 Doak Road
> Fredericton, NB, Canada
> E3C 2E6

	*Andrew DeMerchant*
*Computer Technologist*
ph.1-877-4GEMTEC x.163
fax 506-453-9470

/GEMTEC Limited <http://www.gemtec.ca>
/191 Doak Road
Fredericton, NB, Canada
E3C 2E6

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