WMS with foreign language

Li Wang liw_ca at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 13 20:31:45 EDT 2006

Hi Thomas:

Thanks for your quick response. I am in the B
situation. What I did is:

1. set up a WMS with Demis in a remote computer.
2. set up a connection in Studio in another computer
to access the Demis WMS. the WMS layer is just like a
raster map showing land use.
3. set up several vector layers in Studio, such as
street, buildings etc.
4. save and publish all these layers.

The property table of the original map processed in
Demis contains some colums that are named in
Chinese(values are in Chinese too). If I take these
colums off from the table, the WMS layer works well.
If I leave the Chinese colums there, Studio failed to
connect. What should I do to fix the problem?


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