Wishlist Items - Feature URL

Andy Morsell amorsell at spatialgis.com
Sun Mar 12 12:54:23 EST 2006

It would be nice if the author had some control over the display parameters
of the window opened from a feature URL.  I found where this is controlled
in the templ files in the window.open statements, but would like the windows
size (either in pixels, screen %, or screen X and Y maximum), statusbar
display, toolbar display, etc. to be user configurable and defined in the
web layout.  Also, it would be nice if the URL was not displayed in the
feature tooltip.  "Ctrl+Click to Open Link" is sufficient and displaying the
entire URL is a bit cumbersome.  In this case, having the "Ctrl+Click to
Open Link" be a different color, preferably blue, would be nice.

Thanks for considering these comments.

Andy Morsell, P.E.
Spatial Integrators, Inc.

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