[mapguide-users] Hidden Information - Installing Adsk MapStudioPreview

Traian Stanev traian.stanev at autodesk.com
Mon Mar 13 11:04:34 EST 2006

Hi Francisco,
Did you try the solution suggested by Bill Dhimitri in an earlier
posting to this list ("Locale issue with MapGuide Studio")?
Here is the solution again:
To work around this problem, create a DWORD Value entry named Culture
with a decimal value of 1033 in this registry folder:



I have attached a reg file that will add this entry to your registry.

You can look up that message if you would like to use the reg file to
create that registry entry.
-- Traian


From: Francisco Javier Rojas Duran
[mailto:francisco.rojas at dasoft.com.mx] 
Sent: Monday, March 13, 2006 10:38 AM
To: users at mapguide.osgeo.org
Cc: users-digest at mapguide.osgeo.org
Subject: [mapguide-users] Hidden Information - Installing Adsk

Hi Everybody:


We were having a lot of problems with MapServer Enterprise, after few
weeks we found that TuX Preview 1 was more flexible and complete
(because of the FDO Providers including Oracle) excepting for the AJAX
Enterprise 0.9.1, and then we found that MapGuide OpenSource 1.0 RC1 is
more reliable than the previous version 0.9.1 so everyone should migrate
from 0.9.1 to 1.0 and the platform language does not matter for the
Server and Web Tier (We Tested on Spanish OS) , UNLESS YOU RUN MapStudio
March Preview because if you are running a NON-ENGLISH Windows Server
and you run MapStudio on the same computer, and try to use it with
MapGuide OS , it fails in almost all the commands or create procedures.


Neither Autodesk or OSGeo know the issue, so BE CAREFUL of using
MapStudio on a NON-ENGLISH Windows Server/Pro (2000/XP/2003).


Also the old guide for deploying Map Guide OS Sample Web Apps is the
same for the 1.0 version, so OSGeo must ADVICE that a Guide and more
documentation is needed to be post on the web site.


Finally we have the software working fine on Windows 2000 Advanced
Server SP4(English) and Windows 2003 Standard Server SP1 (Spanish) with
Adsk Map 3D 2007 Alpha 2.


The Next Question is : How MapGuide OS can interact with Google Earth?


Best Regards,


CSE Francisco Rojas

IT Manager - Oracle Specialist

Grupo DaSoft SA de CV


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