[mapguide-users] Hidden Information - Installing Adsk MapStudioPreview

Traian Stanev traian.stanev at autodesk.com
Tue Mar 14 08:24:35 EST 2006

Hi Gene,
If you zip up and send me one of the bad SDF files (if they are not
confidential of course), I can take a look at the problem.


From: Gene Hirayama [mailto:gene at guide-map.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2006 2:14 AM
To: users at mapguide.osgeo.org
Subject: [mapguide-users] Hidden Information - Installing Adsk

Hi Francisco and Traian,
I've been following this thread for any hints on how to solve my
problem.  I am working with Windows 2003 English version, and have used
SDF (name fields contain double byte kanji characters) files to build
maps with the previous Preview 1 and 0.91 releases without too much
trouble with Studio.  When I tried to load the SDF files in the new Studio,  it either froze or crashed.  I have applied the reg
file as suggested and it has helped but Studio is still having problems.
I continue to get the following error with some of the layers.
"CGI Error
The specified CGI application misbehaved by not returning a complete set
of HTTP headers.
The headers it did return are:"
and nothing follows; sometimes I get a message box that says: "
Exception from HRESULT:  0x80020101"
Appreciate any help,
Gene Hirayama
Guide-Map.com Inc.
Yokohama, Japan
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