Fix for NULL geomtry in shp->sdf load

Edward Zimmerman edward.zimmerman at
Fri Mar 17 10:53:30 EST 2006

I did a further investigation of the problem Andy describes below when
attempting to load a particular Shape file. It turns out that our
shp->sdf conversion code was failing to insert a feature from the source
shp file into the destination sdf file whenever the geometry property of
the source feature is NULL. 


The relevant Studio code has been fixed, and a patched dll has been
posted at
<> . To apply this patched dll to your current Studio Preview
installation, unzip this dll, overwriting the existing one (ex:





From: Andy Morsell [mailto:amorsell at] 
Sent: Friday, March 10, 2006 2:25 PM
To: users at
Subject: [mapguide-users] Problems Loading Data


I am having a problem loading a particular Shape file onto the server.
It loads fine if I do not have Convert to SDF Feature Source checked.
However, due to the very poor performance I am seeing with Shape files,
I am finding it necessary to convert everything to SDF at load time.
When I try to execute this load procedure in Studio, I get an error
message of: "Operation is not valid due to the current state of the
object".  I have tried closing Studio, restarting the MapGuide service,
saving it as a package, etc., but nothing helps.  The error pops up
almost immediately after pressing the Load Resources button.   This is a
point shape file of county ownership information.  The DBF file is about
70 MB.  I can supply this Shape file to Autodesk if needed.

Andy Morsell, P.E. 
Spatial Integrators, Inc. <>  

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